Meet The Three Rivers Promise Team

Tom LowryPresident
I am Tom Lowry, and I founded Lowry’s Books in 1993 and am privileged to be serving my 11th term as Mayor of the City of Three Rivers. I was blessed to have two musicians/educators as my parents. I grew up in a house full of love for books, music, art, and all the ideas they represent. I continue to learn and have a great appreciation for the best that people produce, from a child’s drawing to a symphony to landing on the moon. I sincerely believe in the power of education to make everyone their best, but also that it can eliminate our sins: from intolerance to racism and more. All children are born entirely dependent on adults. It is our duty to love them to help them grow up and to ensure that they have opportunities to succeed. The Promise will be one important role in their lives.

Michael EldridgeVice President
Michael Eldridge has lived in Three Rivers since 1995. He is a US Marine Veteran, the founder of, a partner of Three Rivers Coffee Company, and a member of the Three Rivers Rotary Club. Mike is married to Kendra Eldridge, and their four children have attended Three Rivers Community Schools. He’s passionate about education and using our strengths to help others. He enjoys spending time with his family, hiking, mountain biking, fishing, playing pickleball, and watching Detroit Tigers baseball.
Burch RuesinkSecretary

Diana WeedTreasurer
Diana Weed is a Three Rivers native and a proud graduate of Three Rivers High School. She has worked for Three Rivers Community Schools for over a decade and currently serves as the College, Career and Online Learning Coordinator in the Guidance Department at TRHS. Her husband David is also a Three Rivers grad, as are her daughter Meritt and son Atticus. Her youngest, Elliott, is on track to graduate from Three Rivers in 2023. As a parent and the Director of the Guidance Department, Diana is very familiar with the costs and barriers to post-secondary education faced by families today. She is proud to participate in an organization with the potential to have such a huge impact on the community she loves and has called home all of her life.

Pete BennettBoard Member
Pete Bennett has lived in the Three Rivers school district since 1981. After retiring in 2007, from GM and American Axle, Pete served 12 years on our school board, joining TRP at the conclusion of that service in January 2019. Pete is the father of Rachel Bennett Wood, a TRHS 2001 graduate, and grandfather to her children Carter and Eleanor Wood. Pete’s girlfriend of 52 years, Marcy Bennett, served with Pete on the TRP board from its inception until her passing in March 2020.

Diane FoghinoBoard Member
Diane is a Kalamazoo native and WMU grad who has lived here in Three Rivers since 1970. Diane retired after teaching for forty years in the Three Rivers Community Schools and then was a substitute teacher for another ten years. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family (3 children and 8 grandchildren), volunteering, and performing. “We need to give our Three Rivers grads not just a handout but a hand up.”

Lisa LinnBoard Member

Danielle MorelandBoard Member
Danielle Moreland has lived in Three Rivers since she was three years old and is a graduate of TRHS. In addition to the TR Promise, she currently serves on the Historic District Commission and DDA Promotions Committee. For the last 13 years, Danielle has been the Executive Director at the Riviera Theatre. Danielle is married to Brendan Monroe, and their sons attend Three Rivers Middle School & Hoppin Elementary. “A community that invests in educating its youth is a community that can count on a secure future.”

Helen McCauslinMember Emeritus
Helen McCauslin was raised in St. Joseph County Indiana but since 1995 has lived in St. Joseph County Michigan. Beginning a career in education as a teacher of 7th graders in Belmont, Massachusetts, and finishing as the administrator of the instructional programs and faculty at Kalamazoo Valley Community College, her experience in education spans 34 years. She was a member of the board and director of the Carnegie Center for the Arts and has been a member of the Three Rivers Woman’s Club for 20 years. She and her husband Gene Radtke enjoy living in Fabius Township but have made sure to spend time in the UP every year for 35 years!